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Topics by Professor Ries @ AKS 2016
- Choral Improvisation
An Associate Professor of Music at the University of Alberta Augustana Faculty, Ardelle teaches musicianship, theory, conducting, and choral literature classes. She conducted The Augustana Choir for a decade and founded Mannskor: Augustana’s Men’s Choir in 2006. A staunch advocate for Canadian choral music, Ardelle has commissioned and premiered new choral works from established and emerging Canadian composers that The Augustana Choir has performed in national and international settings.
With a strong musical and pedagogical foundation established at the Zoltan Kodaly Pedagogical Institute in Hungary, Ardelle has been on faculty as an aural musicianship specialist at the Kecskemet Kodaly Conservatory, the 2005 International Kodaly Seminar, Wilfrid Laurier University, the University of Calgary, and the University of Alberta Faculty of Education. Her dissertation,The Child Voice: A Social Contextwas nominated for a Governor General’s Dissertation award in 2004 and again in 2005 for the Association of Canadian Choral Conductor’s Dissertation Award.
Current research projects include choral improvisation as well as the history and current practice of Kodaly-based education in Canada. Ardelle served on the board of the Alberta Choral Federation and was the 2013 recipient of the Richard S. Eaton Award of Distinction in recognition of exemplary service to choral music in the province of Alberta. Ardelle is an advisor for the Alberta Kodaly Association, serves on the board of directors for the Kodaly Society of Canada, and is the chair of the International Kodaly Symposium 2017 organizational committee.
Albert is founder & director of the Kodaly Academy of Music Singapore (KAM). He financed and spearheaded the Asia Kodaly Symposium, a biannual international programme that is currently being held in different Asian countries (e.g. Indonesia, Taiwan). His educator role saw him in weekly sessions, training music teachers and conducting the STAR Teachers Choir for the Ministry of Education at the Academy of Singapore Teachers (AST). Currently Associate Faculty at SIM University where he teaches “Ensemble Study & Performance” as well as “Conducting”, he taught choral conducting at the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts (NAFA) and is a part-time lecturer of NAFA. Albert is in demand internationally as an educator, giving keynote lectures, music workshops to professional conductors, music educators and choirs.
Albert is a recipient of the prestigious International Kodaly Society Scholarship, the National Arts Council (NAC) Georgette Chen Scholarship and the NAFA Scholarship. He graduated “Excellent with Distinctions” from the Kodaly Institute of the Liszt Academy of Music (Hungary) as one of the top students of his cohort, receiving perfect scores from the panel of professors for his thesis and thesis defence. He is recipient of the National Arts Council (NAC) Georgette Chen Scholarship and the NAFA Scholarship for his Diploma and Bachelor (Hons) studies at NAFA where he also graduated with distinctions as one of the top students of his class.
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