AKS 2016 Featured Clinicians: Ms Katalin Vekony & Tham Pei Wen (Singapore)

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Topics by Katalin and Pei Wen @ AKS 2016


Katalin Vekony
Katalin VEKONY was born in Hungary, where she studied music from the age of 5, using the Kodaly method. During her university years she joined Gabor Hollerung’s choir and became familiar with a wide range of choral literature.In 2003 she began studying with Ms. Klara Kokas and they became close collaborators.Inspired by her, Kati started conducting music lessons herself.

After Klara’s passing Kati worked with a small team to compile and publish a DVD summarizing Klara’s work.She currently lives in Singapore teaching maths and also a member of the International Festival Chorus. She firmly believes that maths and music have a lot in common.

Tham Pei Wen
Pei Wen holds a Masters in Gifted Education from the National Institute of Education, Singapore, and is currently based in Hungary, working on a Post Graduate Diploma in Music Education from the Kodaly Institute of the Liszt Academy of Music. She will return to the Kodaly Institute to continue her studies in the Masters Programme for Music Education this September.

Pei Wen taught Geography and Music for 7 years at Victoria Junior College and Methodist Girls’ School in Singapore, before becoming a full time Choral Conductor for school choirs. She has experienced working with a wide range of children and youth in the classroom and in choirs, from the high ability learners to those with special needs. She is especially interested in adapting the Kodaly Pedagogy for special education in Singapore and hopes to work closely with some special schools in the implementation of their music programme.

Pei Wen also loves movement and dance, and is a certified Pilates Instructor. Movement is an integral part of music making, whether in singing or playing an instrument, and she explores the link between movement and music through the Kokas Pedagogy and Szo-System classes at the Kodaly Institute.

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