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In line with Zoltan Kodaly’s artistic and educational philosophies, the KAM team also believes that spiritually nourishing art music and sound music education should be available to people of every kind and rank. We have thus been offering discounts to deserving students of music, as well as peg AKS participation fees to the Human Development Index (HDI) of a delegate’s country of residence to make the symposium accessible to everyone! Click on the “Register Here!” tab NOW!
Should you have any queries regarding registration, please do not hesitate to get in touch with one of our friendly KAM staff via aksregistration (at) kam (dot) sg for further details.
AKS Registration Fees
Your AKS registration fees are pegged to your current country of residence. E.g. If you are an Singaporean living in Indonesia most of the time, you can consider registering under HDI III.
N.B. Due to overwhelming requests, we have decided to reopen online registration. Although we have in place a buffer for delegates who may wish to register onsite on the 7th or 8th November, we may not be able to guarantee your full delegate privileges e.g. opening reception dinner, AKS Gala Concert tickets, course package, certificates etc. as delegates are served on a first-come-first-served basis!
Your registration is only considered complete upon receipt of both your particulars as well as payment. Do not wait any further. Register NOW!
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